W ramach realizacji zadań projektowych nauczyciele muzyki z krajów partnerskich współpracowali ze sobą w celu stworzenia słów oraz muzyki do hymnu międzynarodowego. Zdanie zostało sfinalizowane w profesjonalnym studiu nagrań w Hiszpanii. Utwór będzie nam towarzyszył podczas każdego międzynarodowego spotkania promując uniwersalne wartości takie jak szacunek, braterstwo i współpraca.

“Stars from the same constellation”
I sing today united to you.
My voice will be your strength
walking through endless lands.
My soul seeks to share
our voices for Europe
in the same heart of freedom
We grow breathing freedom
between games and smiles
together we are worth more.
I feel our effort to learn.
my soul with you will always fly.
” Sin guerras, (no war)
sin muros, (no walls)
sin armas, (no guns)
sin límites. (no limits)
Hermanos en la escuela, (brothers in school)
hermanos en Europa (brothers in Europe).
Si trabajamos juntos, (If we work together)
no habrá fronteras (there will be no frontiers).”
We are stars of the same constellation
scattered throughout the universe.
Different stelae of cultures in attraction
In constant movement, forging an eternal friendship.
We are stars of the same constellation
scattered throughout the universe.
Different stelae of cultures in attraction
In constant movement, forging an eternal, forging an eternal friendship.

Star form the same constelation (Spanish demo version)

(PDF) Stars from the same constellation (English lyric)

Each partner country will record a track with a part of the anthem (instruments, voices, effects, …) and we will create the hymn C.E.L.L.

Result: The CELL anthem wil be recorded and distributed to be known by all the schools. In the C3 activity all the participants will sing together and record the anthem.